Thế Càn – The Heaven Form – CK10 – Càn Khôn Thập Linh

Heaven Form:
Two feet parallel and planted firmly on the ground, with knees slightly bent
Hands move on a plane in a circular motion, drawing a small circle (pretend you’re holding a ball).
Eyes sweep from side to side on a level plane while the body rotates from side to side.
The movement comes from the core (navel and thigh areas).

Head stays level.
Eyes on horizon, sweeping 180 degrees.
Back straight.
Shoulders and fingers relaxed.
Hands moving on a level plane, back of hand exposed.
Knees bent.
Feet firmly planted, unmoved.
Inhale/turn right. Exhale/turn left.

The Dharma (the truth) starts from within. Khởi Đạo trong tâm
The Dharma (the truth) reaches others. Vận Đạo tới người
The teaching is everywhere. Hóa Đạo khắp nơi
The practice is infinite. Hành Đạo vô tận

Key image: openness, boundlessness, the space that holds all things
Key symbolic meaning: being forgiving and embracing emotionally, encompassing mentally, open spiritually

Thế Càn – Càn Khôn Thập Linh – The Heaven Form – Integral Tai Chi (CK10)

Breakdown: integral Tai Chi – HEAVEN BREAKDOWNS

Thế Càn

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